Sunday 15 February 2015

The whales of Antarctica

There are 15 types of whales that visit Antarctica

Antarctic whales are any whales which are known to reside near Antarctica for at least part of the year. They were heavily hunted and exploited by humans in the past, but they are now protected. Whales come to Antarctic waters due to the abundance of food available to them. here are two natural groups of whales, toothed and baleen. As their name implies, toothed whales have teeth, they mostly eat squid and fish, and take their prey one at a time. Baleen whales have a baleen which is a type of squid. They use it to strain small fish and plankton from the water. Southern Ocean whales are migratory, heading to warmer waters during the Antarctic winter. Calves are born in these more hospitable seas, as they would struggle to survive in polar waters during their first few months. The whales return south in the austral spring, following the receding ice edge, an area of high biological productivity which provides a rich feeding ground.